Thursday, July 11, 2013

Prt 1: My Journey to Freedom: Confession, Accountability & Mentorship

To describe where the Lord has taken me in the last 6-7 months is very hard to map out and try to explain. From giving birth in my sweet home and being on top of the world feeling accomplished and extremely blessed by God, to feeling alone in a desert with seemingly not even God caring about where I am at, or wrestling with the issue of whether or not He really loved me and cared for me like He says He does.

My journey of my time in “devastation” or the “desert” starts in January/February.  A newborn + little sleep + marriage = stress and tension. It equals disconnect. It equals the feeling of being stuck in a cycle that you feel as though will never end.  Disconnect = lack of intimacy. Lack of intimacy = lack of feeling truly one. Enter: marital problems that take on a whole new level when you have a child who needs your love and support as a couple.  The Evil One has begun to feed on this. Gaining foothold where ever he can: deceit, miscommunications, distrust and the worst: masking the real issues.

I’ve spent a lot of time here—the desert, with a mask on my face pretending I’m in lush green Hawaii. A lot. Long before I was married, the Evil One knew exactly how to tie me down so that I was least effective for Kingdom work as possible. Taking all the focus off of the power of God and onto what I can control and accomplish in my own doing and timeline. The worst part is, once vows are taken, and rings are exchanged, the Evil One will take on a whole new type of fierce to pull you down and away from each other. Things can and will get ugly in this fight with the Evil One. Morning after morning, afternoon after afternoon, evening after evening, there is a wrestling in my mind. Its battling the thoughts that God can’t be trusted, and the only way to get me out of this is by my own doing. Oh what pride! The problem with this kind of thinking is that it only led me to be even more entangled.  My desire to be free in the way I envisioned was so strong that I couldn’t sit back and be patient and allow God to take action. I needed and wanted it NOW. I didn’t’ care how I got there, but somehow I was going to get there.  My way. 

Honestly, this was getting me nowhere. Feeling only farther and farther away from the Lord. It was as if a wall was up and God couldn’t get through to me. Then he does this amazing thing where he sees me in my ugliness and desperateness and just at the right time, through tears and fighting, he brings a friend into your life who He is going to speak through and give you just what you need – EVEN if you don’t know it yet.

My dear friend Camie came to me as my accountability partner. After my many, many tears of pain and hurt through my story, the Lord showed her my areas of captivity that I could not see myself. I couldn’t even see beyond my own issues. When I truly began to grasp what was holding me captive, I didn’t want to let go of it. I didn’t want to give up the control of how I thought it should be. I couldn’t see past how God would use this to His good in my life.  It seemed nearly impossible.  But we went for it anyways.  Text messages, phone calls, meetings. Lots of SOS signals were cast out between the both of us.

Only through true accountability and openness of deep issues was God able to start changing my heart to actually WANT to let go of my entangled mess and give it to Him to untie. I actually had the desire to stop wanting to do it on my own. Only God is responsible for this. True transformation and inner heart changes can only be from God only.

My heart is beginning to feel lifted. Even still with struggles and failures, my Spirit is longing to please God and allow him to work in my life with all the control He wants. In fact, it’s through my failures and repentance to God, my husband and my accountability partner that the Lord continues to take me deeper! Even through failures, God has shown himself FAITHFUL!

The Evil One sees my overall success and decides to throw a curve ball. BAM. More internal mind battles strike again heavy. I can’t sleep at night. Plagued with thoughts and scenarios that don’t even exist. Dreams that plague me, and bring about unconscious spiritual warfare. God, in all his loving kindness, who allowed this all to happen, led me to a previous mentor to pour out my heart.

I love my mentor, Jess. She is as blunt as I’ll get out.  What I needed to hear, she told me. And through our conversations and prayer, God led me to even MORE breakthrough--this time, with my husband behind me. What the Evil One intended for me—to be more and more entangled in my own mess—the Lord used for good and even brought in the blessing of my husband’s support in my journey to freedom.

We, as believers, have a tendency to hide what’s really going on deep inside us in fear of how others will perceive us. Or worst yet, to expose the shame of our actions.
But stepping back , I have realized that without my accountability partner and mentor who know every single little detail of my issues, I would most likely still be so deeply entangled in my mess today.  Hiding your issues, and masking your true identity is only going to leave you more susceptible to the lies of the Evil One. He will hold you captive and whisper sweet nothings into your ear of how your control of your situation will get you just where you want to be. 

Oh friends there is so much freedom in confession of your sins and issues to someone you can trust and admire for their Spiritual maturity. If no one knows where you truly are, your battles and successes, the Evil One has such a great advantage on you to keep you where you are and never grow as a mature believer in Jesus Christ. That is exactly what he wants! He wants you dead to the world as a reflector of God’s glory.  Start praying today that God will lead you to an accountability partner AND a mentor who knows you.  The Evil One will have a run for his money over you. And that is exactly where your journey to freedom begins.
Part 2: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Freedom.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Praying Specifically :)

Dear Friends & Family:
I have a request that you all would pray for concerning my future. As of May 7th, 2011, I will be walking in the commencement ceremony at Illinois State University and officially receive my degree in August of 2011. In the entire job searching fiasco, I’ve come up short. However, in walking with the Lord for the past 18 years, I come to understand that this is where the Lord delights to show himself.
                It is absolutely imperative that I find a job to help support the beautiful little house we were blessed with late last Fall whilst Jar finishes up his last couple semesters at ISU. After having a wonderful conversation with my friend Sarah Frank this past Saturday, she encouraged me to specifically pray for the Lord to move directly in my life and that he delights in this! So I posted this blog to ask you to come alongside me in prayer, if you feel so lead. The areas in which I’m praying specifically for in the job searching is the following:

·         30k+
·         involve something that I am good at
·         By June
·         Building up of photography clientele to eventually become a full-time photographer...

thank you all for your love and prayers :)


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Warm Thoughts of Spring

Sometimes I just have to stop and remind myself how grateful I should be in life. Honestly. I've got probably the best, most exciting months ahead of me. There is something about the spring semesters of college that get me excited. Maybe its because I know that warmer, more delightful weather is coming my way so there seems to be a "spring" in my step. (Pun on the word intended). Maybe it's because this particular spring semester is my last one of college.  or just maybe it's because Jared's parents were gracious enough to help us buy a house that we get to work on all semester. hmm but it also could be because I'm getting married to my best friend and man of my dreams after this semester. [yes, i think thats it :) ]

I have finally stepped back and realized how incredibly blessed I am at this very moment. Honestly, there is so much going for me right now... I don't want to mess it up. But all of this means nothing unless I point it all to God and say "I'm extremely humbled, Lord. Thank you."

Spring is so inviting. So exciting. Fresh air. Warmer weather. Jeans and a blouse or maybe even a tank top embellished with these cute little flowers that I'm going to learn how to make before long...

This Spring will be the best one yet. My most disciplined season yet. A season of expectation and hope. 

So, I get caught up with the ideas of Spring and look at the calendar and remember that it's only the beginning of January. Spring semester hasn't even started yet (only 4 more days of break). And I lean to get my blanket, fleece, and cozy up on the couch until my hot chocolate is done warming up.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

She's at it again, folks!

Goodness, life is hard...
txt that I got from my sis today: "You'll make the choice to forget today and then make the same choice tomorrow or the next day but only in the power of the Holy Spirit will you overcome."

I'm starting over a couple of things this new year. For most of this past year I have relied on myself to try to fix problem-areas. Relying on self and determination, I thought I could get anywhere I wanted to be. Oh how this is NOT TRUE! I had a perfect little picture of what my life was going to look like when I graduated college when I was a senior in high school. I was going to go to Bradley to study multimedia, I was going to be a straight A student, and be married by a certain time. Well, the Lord had other plans for me and THANK GOD he did! Now, here I am, a senior at Illinois State University, celebrating my very last semester of formal academic education. I'm getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. Although it isn't always easy-- in fact, it's mostly hard-- I know that the Lord has put us together for a high and mighty calling that will blow our minds and glorify His Kingdom.

But on top of everything, I'm mostly looking forward to get back into routine and schedule. Last Spring was a really good semester for me, and I hope this upcoming Spring semester will be the same. I haven't really told anybody this and no one will still know because no one reads my blog lol.. but I've decided to sign up for the 12-Week Challenge at Gold's Gym. The winner gets a cash prize for their age group and are entered the win the national golds gym challenge-- which is $75,000! I'm cutting back on hours at my two jobs (Aerie & Oakwod) so that I can make time to hit up the gym during the evenings and shape up my lifestyle. I have a gut feeling that this is it. That this is will be the time that I can finally do it. Finally make my goals. Go after what I know I need to do and do it! Like I said -- I haven't told anyone really about this. Like honestly, no one knows. I've kept it quiet in case I fail - which is kinda of odd. But I'd like to surprise friends and family with results rather than say what I'm doing and see no results. But anyways, with this challenge, I get to meet with trainers for weekly weigh-in's to keep me on track for the next 12 weeks! I'm so excited!

Honestly, my prayer has been that I could thoroughly enjoy these next 5 months as a single woman and not wish away the time! I pray that I am intentional with my time here on earth and understand my life is NOT about me -- it's about HIM.

To Him be the glory.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Art of Love

it's not perfect
but it's worth it
and its always getting better
its gonna some time to get it right...

I'm still learning the art of love
I'm still trying to not mess up
So whenever I stumble let me know.
you need to spell it out
cause i'm still trying to learn the art of love

Sailing Admist Storms

We're adrift on a sailboat
My love is the sea
Yours is the horizon
Constant and steady

You set my limbs locked hard afloat
Lifted my lonesome sails
The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing

Darling, your love is healing
It makes the bitter sweet
Warms the winter to spring again
Secures the colds defeat

We're cutting anchor
Casting out into the glorious deep
The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing

When we've succumb to decrepitude
Still our love will remain in its youth

The tide is out, the moon is high
We're sailing

-Brooke Fraser-

Monday, November 8, 2010

Cutting Back to the Essentials

I'm beginning to frustrate myself -- too many things that I get involve in that stretch me too far... don't get me wrong ... getting out of your comfort zone is good.. but that's not the kind of stretching that I'm talking about. I'm talking about trying to do everything that you think might be a good idea and then leaving yourself dry and empty by the end of the day with nothing accomplished.  Lately, I've tended to be a bit spastic. just ask Jar, he'll tell you. Some days I don't feel like myself-- like I'm in a funk.  It's so funny how matter of fact Jared is... totally balances me out. I have to have a drawn out explanation for why I do every single thing and he's like "just do it" or "don't do it--bad idea"

I get frustrated with myself because I need nothing more right now then to sit down (preferably at Starbucks with a grande hot Peppermint Mocha) and finish clients photos and hone down my vision for Jared & Julie Morr Photography and my worship team... But alas, other obligations are calling me and I never have enough time in one day to finish everything that I need to get done. Help! How do you cut back and get down to the essentials? Knowing that God has allotted you this certain amount of time and do what we can with it? Any ideas and suggestions are welcome... my sanity and future husband thanks you.